
European Research Projects

SECOQC - Integrated FP6 (IST) (Apr’04 - Oct’08)

Development of a Global Network for Secure Communication based on Quantum Cryptography”
The vision of SECOQC is to provide European citizens, companies and institutions with a tool that allows the ability to face the threats of future interception
technologies, thus creating significant advantages for the European economy.
With SECOQC, the basis was laid for a long-range, high security communication
network that combines the entire novel technology of quantum key distribution with components of classical computer science and cryptography.
The project included 41 partners from Europe and Canada.
For further information see

E! 2569 PETROSCOPE - EUREKA Project (Jan’04 - Jun’08)

Project start: January 2004, Finished: June 2008
The project included partners from Iceland (lead contractor: PetroModel Iceland Ltd.),
Slovenia, Austria and UK.
Goal was the development of a statistical software package for modeling of the
performance of aggregates and concrete.
The project led to European patent No. 7440.
For further information see

INTAMAP STREP- FP6 (IST)-Project (Sep’06 - Aug’09)

Project Start: September 2006; End: August 2009
The project included partners from Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain
and Greece.
The project succeeded in the development of an interoperable framework for real time
automatic mapping of critical environmental variables by extending spatial statistical
methods and employing open, web-based, data exchange and visualisation tools.

For further information see

E! 3665 PETROSCOPE II - EUREKA Project (Jul’08 - Jun’10)

Project start: July 2008, Finished: June 2010
The project included partners from Iceland (lead contractor: PetroModel Iceland Ltd.),
Italy, Austria and Spain.
Goal was the development of optoelectronic measurement equipment and also modeling
and simulation software, for the construction aggregates industry.
For further information see

EPT300 - EU-ENIAC- Project (Apr’12 - Sep’15)

Project start: April 2012, End date: September 2015
The project includes industrial partners (Infineon, LAM Research, Philipps, AMS,
SILTRONICS, …) and university research partners (TU Dresden, TU Eindhoven, AAU
Klagenfurt) from Germany, Austria, Italy and The Netherlands.
Goal was the development and implementation of technologies to achieve full-scale
production of power devices on 300 mm wafers. Our part of the project focused on
statistical modelling of early failure mechanisms and the design of advanced burn-in

For further information see

iDev40 - HORIZON 2020 & ECSEL Joint Undertaking Project (May’18 - Oct’21)

Project start: May 2018, End date: April 2021
Our project part will focus on Statistical Root-Cause Failure Analysis and Advanced
Statistical and Bayesian Deep Learning Methodology.

The project includes industrial partners (Infineon Austria, Germany, and Romania, AVL
List, Systema,Elmos, Sirris, Yazzoom, Jema Energy, camLine, Ibermatica, ETC a.o.)
and university research partners (TU Dresden, TU Vienna, AAU Klagenfurt, FU Hagen,
Univ. of Siegen, Univ. of Milan-Bicocca, Polytechnical Univ. of Bucharest, TU Cluj-
Napoca, a.o.) from Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Spain and Romania.

For further information see



D. Rasch, R. Verdooren and J. Pilz: Applied Statistics. Theory and Problem Solutions in R. J. Wiley and Sons, Oxford 2020

Edited Books and Volumes

J. Pilz, D. Rasch, V. Melas and K. Moder, Eds. Simulation and Statistics. 8th Int. Workshop on Simulation, Vienna 2015. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2018


Ch. Petschnigg, M. Spitzner, L. Weitzendorf and J. Pilz: From a Point Cloud to a Simulation Model – Bayesian Segmentation and Entropy Based Uncertainty Estimation for 3D Modelling.
Entropy 2021, 23, 301